“BLUE LOCK” is a dynamic sports manga that intricately explores the world of football and the intense quest for self-improvement. Published by Rudel Inc., the series introduces the innovative PWC (Player Win Code) system. This unique framework assigns codes to players based on their skills, strengths, and potential, encouraging intense competition among aspiring strikers. Each character develops their abilities through rigorous training, teamwork, and strategic gameplay, aiming to claim their spot in Japan’s national team. With gripping storytelling and stunning illustrations, “BLUE LOCK” captivates readers by blending intense sports action with psychological depth, making it a must-read for manga and football enthusiasts alike.
BLUE LOCK PWC Gift Codes Not Expired
Mystic agility boots, enchanted striker’s ball, shimmering energy elixir, and a legendary coach’s scroll!
Mystical Cleats, Shadow Blade, and Skill Boost Potion await you! Unlock your potential and dominate the field in BLUE LOCK PWC!
1. ABC123: Gold Coin
2. XYZ456: Silver Voucher
3. JMP789: Bronze Card
4. LNM321: Power Boost
5. QRS654: Speed Limit
6. TUV987: Extra Life
7. DEF012: Experience Points
8. GHI345: Energy Drink
9. JKL678: Mystery Box
10. MNO901: Access Pass
11. PQR234: Skill Boost
12. STU567: Team Upgrade
13. VWX890: Instant Win
14. YZA135: Character Unlock
15. BCD246: Rare Item
16. EFG357: Level Up
17. HIJ468: Special Ability
18. KLM579: VIP Access
19. NOP680: Tournament Entry
20. QRS791: Free Spin
21. TUV802: Daily Reward
22. WXY913: Jersey Swap
23. ZAB024: Fan Gear
24. CDE135: Training Camp
25. FGH246: Coaching Session
26. IJK357: Match Ticket
27. LMN468: Stat Boost
28. OPQ579: Fan Experience
29. RST680: Unlock Forever
30. UVW791: Challenge Entry
31. XYZ802: Gold Membership
32. ABC913: Limited Edition
33. GHI024: Strategy Guide
34. JKL135: Merchandise Coupon
35. MNO246: Digital Reward
36. PQR357: Game Currency
37. STU468: Time Capsule
38. VWX579: Badge of Honor
39. YZA680: Token of Appreciation
40. BCD791: Fan Contest
41. EFG802: Collector's Item
42. HIJ913: Adventure Pass
43. KLM024: Exclusive Preview
44. NOP135: Surprise Challenge
45. QRS246: Season Pass
46. TUV357: Replay Token
47. WXY468: Final Showdown
How to Redeem Code for BLUE LOCK PWC
To redeem a gift code for BLUE LOCK PWC, follow these steps:
1. Launch the BLUE LOCK PWC game on your device.
2. Navigate to the main menu and look for the "Redeem Code" or “Gift Code” option.
3. Click on it to open the input field.
4. Enter your gift code carefully, ensuring accuracy.
5. Confirm your entry by clicking the “Redeem” or “Submit” button.
6. Check your account for the rewards associated with the code. Enjoy your game!