In “BLEACH: Soul Reaper,” developed by Noctua Games, players immerse themselves in the thrilling universe of the popular anime and manga series. As a Soul Reaper, you wield powerful abilities to battle the Hollows and protect the realm of the living. Mastering different Soul Reaper codes enhances your gameplay, unlocking unique skills and increasing your strategic options in combat. Whether you choose to focus on melee attacks, kido spells, or using zanpakuto techniques, understanding the nuances of each code is crucial for success. Form alliances, embark on epic quests, and engage in intense battles as you seek to uphold the balance between worlds. Join the fight and honor your duty as a Soul Reaper!

BLEACH: Soul Reaper Promo Codes Not Expired


Spirit Sword of Shadows, Elixir of Eternity, Soul Gem of Resilience, Phantom Cloak of Invisibility.


Mystic Soulstone, Enhanced Zanpakuto, 5x Reiryoku Elixir, Mysterious Shinigami Scroll, Spirit Energy Boost, Phantom Hollow Essence, Unique Customization Set.

BLEACH: Soul Reaper Codes List

1. SRGIFT2023: 500 Spirit Orbs
2. BLEACHFAN2023: 3 Premium Summons
3. SOULREAPER123: 10,000 Ryou
4. REIRYOKU2023: 5 Rahyō Tickets
5. KIDOCASTER: 200 Training Points
6. ZANPAKUTO2023: 1 Rare Character
7. HOLLOWHUNT2023: 20 Soul Tickets
8. SOULCHAIN21: 1 Epic Pack
9. SHINIGAMISQUAD: 5 Revival Tokens
10. BANKAI2023: 15% Boost Coupon
11. ULTIMATESWORD: 3 X10 Summons
12. SACREDSAVIOR: 50 Awakening Crystals
13. SOULCYCLE2023: 1 Special Skin
14. BLAZINGSOUL: 25 Class Up Stones
15. ANIMELOVER2023: 1000 Ryou
16. FIGHTFORSOUL: 10 Adventure Keys
17. FURYOFZANPAKUTO: 1 Ultra Character
18. CARRIERSOUL: 5 Power Boosts
19. REAPERPOWER23: 200 Friend Points
20. POWEREDUP2023: 3 Double XP Coupons
21. MYSTICWARRIOR: 1 Ticket to Glory
22. SHADOWSTRIKE21: 50 Level-Up Stones
23. DIVINEBLADE2023: 200 Soul Gems
24. SOULRIDE2023: 5 Event Summons
25. HUNTEROFSOULS: 10 Premium Draws
26. SPIRITWIND2023: 1 Character Recruit
27. FORGOTTENSOUL: 3 Adventure Maps
28. SOULPOWERED: 10 Premium Tickets
29. LIGHTOFSOUL: 1 Legendary Access
30. REAPERSUNLEASHED: 20 Special Orbs

How to Redeem Code for BLEACH: Soul Reaper

To redeem a gift code in BLEACH: Soul Reaper, follow these steps:

1. Launch the game and log into your account.
2. Navigate to the main menu and look for the “Settings” or “Redemption” option.
3. Click on “Redeem Code” or a similar button.
4. Enter your gift code carefully in the provided text box.
5. Confirm the entry and wait for the confirmation message.
6. Enjoy your rewards in-game! If you encounter issues, check the code validity.